SOWITEC development
SOWITEC development is an independent and globally operating renewable energy service provider accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018.
Focused on high quality renewable energy engineering and advisory services we support our clients throughout the entire planning process from the initial project idea to the commissioning of wind and solar parks worldwide. Our work is based on international standards and guidelines (DIN EN ISO / IEC, ASTM, WMO, FGW TR6, MEASNET, IEA and others).
SOWITEC development has more than 10 years of experience in the field of technical project development, resource and site assessment, energy yield assessment as well as in the preparation of environmentally relevant studies and in technical due diligence processes worldwide.
SOWITEC development is an active member of:
- Expert Committee on Wind Potential of the Fördergesellschaft Windenergie und andere Dezentrale Energien e.V. (FGW.e.V.)
- BWE – Bundesverband Windenergie (German Wind Energy Association) and its "Wind Expert Advisory Board"

Founding of SOWITEC development GmbH & Co. KG
Installation and operation of 1st wind met tower (Uruguay)
1st sodar measurement campaign in South America
100th wind met tower
1st solar resource measurement
1st lidar measurement campaign
Introduction of CFD
Start of drone based topographic surveys
100th remote sensing measurement campaign
Accreditation acc. to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005
200th wind met tower
Start with Floating PV and Energy Storage
Conversion of accreditation according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018
Reaccreditaion according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018
Planning of 1GW Floating-PV park
Bankable "Stand-alone" LIDAR wind measurements in semi-complex terrain
Our interdisciplinary team of experts offers independent services and expertise for locations all over the world. We incorporate a high variety of skills and backgrounds, such as:
- wind & solar energy engineering
- meteorology and climatology
- cartography, GIS and remote sensing
- environmental sciences and geography
Our accredited quality management system ensures high quality standards for all services provided.
Services Overview
- Site condition assessment and studies
- Feasibility study and site selection
- Wind / solar resource measurements (meteorological met towers / lidar / sodar)
- Remote sensing device verification / calibration test acc. to IEC
- Wind / solar resource assessment
- Site classification according IEC
- Wind field modelling (2D & 3D)
- Energy yield assessment wind / solar
- Calculation of losses wind / solar
- TR6 compliant site survey and site quality determination acc. to EEG
- Micrositing / turbine layout optimization
- PV plant design and optimization
- Noise immission analysis
- Shadow impact studies
- Photomontage / visualization / 3D-simulation
- Visibility study
- UAV (drone) based and onsite topographical surveying
- GIS based spatial analyses
- Technical project management
- Technical due diligence
Accredited services wind and solar according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018
Scope of Services

References – Resource & Site Assessment
SOWITEC development serves as independent consultant for wind and solar project development activities in regard to technical project development, resource and site assessment, energy yield assessment as well as in the preparation of environmentally relevant studies and in technical due diligence processes.
Since 2007 almost 50 solar measurements, over 200 wind measurements (measuring tower) and more than 150 remote sensing (Sodar/Lidar) campaigns have been carried out.
SOWITEC development has been involved in the project development of more than 600 wind and solar projects worldwide. Out of this pipeline, 3 GW are already in operation and further 500 MW are still under construction.
(Status: 10.2022)
- Resource Measurements
- Site Assessments


Beatrix Blank, PhD
Head of department
SOWITEC development GmbH
Löherstraße 24
72820 Sonnenbühl